BIPOC Leadership Advancement at Camp Coalition, Inc.


The BIPOC Leadership Advancement at Camp Coalition (BLACC) is a collective of organizations and individuals dedicated to combating the attrition rate of people of color in both the recreational and summer camp industries. We aim to ensure people of color are provided equal opportunities for safe exploration, professional growth and viable career pathways within these industries.


We envision a camping industry that values racial diversity and prioritizes the inclusion of historically marginalized communities through intentional equity practices and the redistribution of resources. 


We acknowledge the complex history of racism, slavery and land seizure that had displaced and systemically disadvantaged people of color. As a collective, we honor the indigenous and afro-centric values of community, honor, integrity and trust. As camp professionals we value safety, accountability, and communication. We believe that together we can normalize an anti-racist approach to convening with nature and fostering community.